How to Make Grilled Apple Rings

Apples Tree

Grilled Apple Rings Recipe Description

Fall has arrived. There’s a nip in the air. And, the apples are ripe. You’re still grilling outside, so it’s the perfect time to use this grilled apple ring recipe.

Did You Know? When Sir Walter Raleigh first brought potatoes to the court of Queen Elizabeth I, there seems to have been a lack of communication. The cooks tossed out the tubers and boiled the stems and leaves. Everyone who partook became deathly ill and potatoes were banned from the Royal kitchen for a long time!

Grilled Apple Rings Ingredients

Apples, as many as you want to grill



Directions How to Make Grilled Apple Rings

  1. Wash apples, then core them.
  2. Cut apples into 1/2 to 3/4 inch slices.
  3. Brush slices with melted butter.
  4. Sprinkle with cinnamon.
  5. Grill on both sides until lightly browned and soft.
  6. Serve grilled apples by themselves, or on top of grilled ham or pork.

Tip: Apples used in cooking should always be firm and crisp.

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