How to Make Potatoes Puffs Recipe

Seed Potatoes

Potatoes Puffs Recipe Description

You just might want to double this recipe, as people will go for second helpings. Try the Potato Puffs recipe on your family tonight.

Yield: 4 servings

Today’s Quote:  “In the spring, at the end of the day, you should smell like dirt.” (how true) – – Margaret Atwood

Potatoes Puffs Recipe Ingredients

2 cups mashed potatoes

2 tablespoons butter or margarine

2 eggs, separated

1 cup milk

salt and pepper to taste

Recipe Directions

  1. Place hot mashed potatoes into a mixing bowl.

  2. Beat egg yolks.

  3. Add egg yolk, milk, butter, salt, and pepper to mashed potatoes.

  4. Mix together well.

  5. Beat egg whites until light and fluffy.

  6. Fold egg whites into mashed potato mixture.

  7. Pour potatoes into a greased baking dish.

  8. Bake in the oven at 350 ° F for 15 minutes.

  9. Serve hot.


  1. As a variation, top with grated cheddar cheese before baking in the oven.

  2. Serve with fresh garden chives and extra butter.

Additional Resources

More Garden Recipes – Select from hundreds of our recipes.

National Potato Chip Day

How to Grow Potatoes

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